Breakfast Networking… why bother?
Dec 10th, 2008 by melonline

On a cold winter’s morning when all you want to do is turn over and go back to sleep, why bother! I attend two breakfast meetings most weeks, sometimes I do wonder why… until I get there!

Every time it’s worth it, not because of the referrals I may get, but because it’s stimulating, entertaining and often good fun. It never ceases to amaze me how alive and switched on people can be that early. The meeting of like minds, discussing problems or success stories, football results and of course potential business opportunities, it’s all there.

Then there is the new contacts you meet, often they become friends, customers or suppliers; the guest speakers and the knowledge they have to impart; the members’ 10 minute presentations, often we learn so much more about their business; the camaraderie and support, free advise…

Who I am trying to convince, of course it’s worth bothering!

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